
Day 19 - North Korea

In North Korea, persecution is severe and relentless. The government views Christianity as a foreign ideology and the only religion allowed is the Juche which consists of solely worshipping the Kim family. If caught with a Bible, praying, or talking about Jesus, North Koreans risk being arrested, sent to concentration camps, and even executed. Entire families can suffer if one family member is caught being a Christian. Bibles are illegal in North Korea and must be kept secret and smuggled from city to city. To donate to the 10,000 Bibles being raised for North Korea, please click the link below.

Prepare Your Heart

Watch the video below and pray for North Korea.


  • Prayer networks for North Korea have multiplied in recent years, too many to list, and most have an Internet presence. Praise God for so many believers forming an unbroken chain of intercession for this nation.
  • Praise God for the awareness different books, movies, podcasts, media, and our own Church are bringing to the world about North Korea.


  • North Korea is open to Chinese businessmen, and we pray that their easy access to the country could be strategic for the gospel.
  • Pray for more Churches and Christians in America to have a heart for North Koreans and begin to pray for them daily.
  • Pray for the North Korean defector-led churches in South Korea to continue to encourage North Korea defectors to proudly and safely live in freedom. 
  • Pray for all the Korean divided families who haven't seen their families since the Korean War, and will probably won't see them again while on this earth. Pray that the divided families will find peace that Jesus Christ loves all the separated families. 
  • Pray that Shepherd Church, the leadership and the congregation will continue to send and support missionaries abroad all over the world. Pray that North Korean brothers and sisters hear about the good work that this church does because we love Jesus Christ. 

We had incredible guest speakers this past weekend at service!

Click here for more information on Ji Eun Baek.

Click here for more information on Kenneth Bae.

For more information on how you can serve North Korean refugees, please click the button below.


This content has been sourced from Voice of the Martyrs, Joshua Project, and Global Christian Relief.