Dream of Destiny

Reach Diverse Communities For Christ Through Digital Ministry

Are you a pastor or ministry leader looking to expand your outreach and maximize your impact in person and online? Do you struggle with effectively communicating your mission and vision to engage with a more diverse community in today's digital landscape? Dream of Destiny is here to help. We specialize in empowering churches and ministries to authentically connect with more people, addressing their spiritual and unmet needs head-on.

Our dream is to see the body of Christ on earth reflect our eternal destiny as described in Revelation 7:9. Let us assist you in amplifying your reach and embodying the love of Jesus in today's rapidly changing digital world.

We deliver six pillars of support at no cost to your church or organization.

At Dream of Destiny, our goal is to help you connect with your changing communities so you can meet the needs of those around you. Contact us for your complimentary Know Your Community report and let us help you fulfill the Great Commission to reach more diverse populations for Jesus Christ. From crafting compelling content to leveraging digital platforms, we provide tailored strategies and resources to enhance your reach and engagement. Let us partner with you to strengthen your church's communication efforts and make a meaningful impact in your community.


Without a dedicated communications team and adequate resources, many churches and small non-profits struggle to effectively communicate their message to meet their communities' spiritual and unmet needs. Here at Dream of Destiny, we help you bridge that gap so that you don't have to go it alone. Let us assist you with strengthening your communication efforts and extending your organization's reach both in-person and online.

One-on-One Coaching

At Dream of Destiny, pastors and ministry leaders receive personalized and tailored coaching to help them reach their goals. You don't have to do digital ministry alone. Join our network and gain access to workshops, webinars, and training sessions covering topics such as communications, digital marketing, social media management, website optimization, diversity training, community outreach, content creation, and much more.

Church Revitalization and Growth

Is your church or non-profit organization feeling stuck? There's no shame in admitting you need help. Recognizing when you've hit a plateau or are in decline is the first step towards growth. At Dream of Destiny, we understand the importance of revitalizing your mission to effectively serve your community for Christ. Let us come alongside you in re-examining your purpose, direction, and pathways towards renewed vitality and purpose in Christ.

Digital Marketing and PR

At Dream of Destiny, we concentrate on helping your church or organization with digital ministry and public relations (PR) strategies to help elevate your visibility. Whether you're seeking to revitalize your online presence, promote an upcoming event, or cultivate media relationships, we are dedicated to helping you achieve your goals.

Cross-Cultural Outreach

As communities change and evolve, understanding and engaging with diverse populations becomes imperative in sharing the uncompromising message of Jesus Christ. The first step to reaching your community is to know them. Contact us for your complimentary Know Your Community report so you can fulfill the Great Commission and connect with more people in your neighborhood.

Community Event Planning

Community outreach goes beyond just hosting events; it's about creating initiatives that make a difference. Let us partner with you to craft outreach strategies that not only address the immediate needs of your communities but help raise awareness of your mission, foster lasting connections, and transform lives with the love of Christ in action.

What our clients are saying:

Dudley, I want to say, what a blessing the Dream of Destiny Ministry has been to myself and the Majority Baptist Church. Since working with Shepherd Church and Dream of Destiny, our Ministry has been able to make strides of growth advancing the Kingdom work that lies before us. Because of the generosity of Shepherd Church sharing its resources and having the opportunity to spend time with Sister Lisa McGloiry, who provided a community report and her “mystery shopping”, her findings highlighted the areas where we can make improvements and the areas in which we flourish. This was critical information to help us grow and to be able to help us seek out the ministry needed to meet the needs of our community. Not only did you help us see what areas we can work on to grow our church, but you went a step further to provide a financial blessing that we were able to put towards our new Kingdom Kids Children’s Church. This blessing gave us a jumpstart in a major way. We have seen an increase in our visitation, and I believe that in part it is because of our relationship with Dream of Destiny through Sister Lisa. I often boast to my colleagues about the relationship that we have been blessed to establish with Shepherd Church.
—— Pastor Darryl Frazier, Majority Baptist Church
Let me start out by saying how grateful we are to have had the privilege and the honor to be a part of Dream of Destiny Ministry. The training, the support and our time with Lisa has been fun, supportive and encouraging. We have also had the privilege and the honor to build new relationships and have access to Spirit-filled professionals in their respective fields when we needed it.

We are forever grateful to the Lord for allowing our church leadership and our community to be a part of and benefit from your obedience to the Lord. As the Apostle Paul said to the young Timothy "And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also." 2. Timothy 2:2 Sincerely Yours in Reaching the Lost and Making our Communities Safer,
— Pastor Woody and Claudia Robinson. Senior Pastor Lynwood Worship Center & South Bay Celebration Church
Through countless hours of developmental coaching, Lisa McGloiry, the Executive Director of Dream of Destiny has significantly impacted the overall communication strategies and assisted in defining the ministry face of Culture Fusion Worship, a multicultural, intergenerational, worship ministry. Lisa’s passion for fostering unity and diversity in the church through her resources and communications strategies are unrivaled. On a personal note, Lisa is an amazing woman of God who exemplifies grace, love and integrity.
—Hal Sacks, Founder, Fresh Start Music
Thankful for Dream of Destiny's presence at the 101st annual session of the California Missionary Baptist Convention held in Oakland, CA in October, 2023. We were privileged to have Lisa conduct presentations at our morning and evening sessions to the consortium of churches in our assembly. The impact and wealth of information she provided to me, and the various pastors and their leadership in attendance was so value-added and will never be forgotten. We look forward to continually working with Dream of Destiny in the future.
—Bishop E.W. Gaddis, Greater St. Augustine Missionary Baptist Church


Lisa McGloiry
Dream of Destiny Executive Director Contact