
Day 7 - China

In China, the only legal Church is controlled by the Communist government where they control Churches, watch their activities, and make sure the Church is abiding by the rules which don't allow Christians to worship and gather freely. Due to this, many Christians are a part of underground house Churches in China where they meet in secret, and many Chinese Christians do not have their own Bible. Please click the link below to donate to the 10,000 Bibles being raised for China.

Prepare Your Heart

Watch the video below and pray along with a believer for China.


  • Praise God for the prayer movement taking place that is uniting the church of China and asking God to send Revival to their country.
  • Praise God for more missionaries who are being called to commit to serving full-time in China.
  • Praise God for China being open to tourists which allows Christians the chance to enter and share the Gospel inside China. 


  • Pray for fruit within the colleges where workers are ministering to the youth of China whether it be in teaching English or other subjects.
  • Pray for a new generation of Christian leaders who are biblically grounded, culturally savvy, humble in character, and spiritually empowered.
  • Pray that these leaders would be given opportunities to influence the government and laws being made to influence them to be Gospel-abiding.

For more information on how you can serve globally please click the button below to see our 2025 short-term trips.

day7_china.jpgThis content has been sourced from Voice of the Martyrs, Joshua Project, and Global Christian Relief.