Keeping God First In Our Lives
Posted March 01, 2022
Did you know that you were one of the first things on God’s mind before anything came to be? He had already written out all your days to be! It says in Psalm 139:16, Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed. How incredible is that? Stop and think about that for a second, the Lord knew that you were going to be here in this very moment reading this blog on whatever time and date it is before any of existence! I mean before he created man, he had to first set up a place for us to dwell and be in relation with him. The bible shows us how the Lord continued to put us first, like when he sent his Son to lay his life down as a sacrifice for us so that one day, we could be reunited with him for eternity! 1 John 4:9 says, this is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. So, why do we love? Simple, because God FIRST loved us, 1 John 4:19! Knowing that the Lord has always put you and I first continues to encourage me to want to be better at putting my God first in all areas of my life!
This life is fast but it’s fleeting and there’s so many things that are always trying to pull us in every different direction of life, but is God our first in the midst of all that we have going on? Is he the first person we run to when we are upset and confused? Is he the one we first come to in our brokenness and pain? Or how about when the quality of our lives is rich, are you expressing your joy and grateful heart to him? Is he the first person you talk to when you have great news to share? If he’s not I want to remind you that he wants to hear all of your heart, which includes the light and heavy parts.
The things that we put first in this life is so crucial to who we are and become. I am definitely not perfect at putting God first, all the time, but when I do put him first can I tell you, that’s time I never regret. There’s been times where I’ve put hanging out with friends, social media, or other people first and I was regretful because they added not one thing to my life.
Keeping God first in our lives does something to our souls, the God of the universe meets us where we are, with a sweet smile ready to hear from you and to speak to you! Putting him first allows you to experience all of his goodness and love, you grow in realization knowing that you, putting God first isn’t just a saying or chore, it’s something that allows us to grow in love for him. He teaches us who he is and who we are. We are children of God, blessed and highly favored. We grow in joy and being like Him. In truly putting him first, you realize you never want him to be last.
We are so undeserving of being first, but he loves us too much to put us last! In putting God first in every area of our lives we grow to never wanting to live without him, you won’t just know him as your Father but as your friend, your peace, your comfort, your hope! My prayer for each of us is Ephesians 3:19, May you experience the love of Christ though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God.